Cable size current table

Cable size current table The maximium allowed current is the temperature at which the isolation is no longer able to support the heat caused by the resistance and loads on the cable. PVC is rated at 70c and XLPE at 90c.

Many elements effect the actual required cable thickness for your project, such as: ambient temperature, cable length, nr of cables. So make sure to do a custom calculation for your project. We have build a easy to use and quick tool here!

What effects cable thickness?

The following parameters affect the cable size:
• Cable current affects the thickness.
•  Cable length affects the thickness.
•  Mounting method affects the thickness.
•  Multiple cables affect the thickness.
•  Insulation type of the cable affects the thickness.
• Ambient temperature

All of these factors are configurable in the calculator, so take them into account when performing the calculation for the correct result.
The calculations are an estimate based on the nen1010 tables, always check the datasheets and specifications of the materials used.
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